Monday, December 3, 2012

My last day at home

In just 16 short hours I'll be on the first plane in the biggest adventure of my life. You know that feeling like you're going to forget something really important? Well I don't have that. Which makes me think that I must be forgetting something monumentally, so important that I don't even know I'm forgetting it. But I made my list and double, triple, quadruple checked it and even added a few things, and my suitcase is still only 35-ish pounds. 
This is everything I own for the next 11-ish months
So clearly, something must be wrong, right? None of my bags are bulging like they do when I go on little 10-day trips, my mind isn't racing with panic and excitement, and I don't feel like there are a ton of things I'm forgetting to do around the house before I leave. My room is clean, my bed is made (that never happens!), my laundry is done, and I don't think I've left anything lying around downstairs.
Is it possible that reading all of those articles online and in travel books about packing light and preparing for a trip have actually paid off? Maybe. But I think that the bulk of my peace is from the knowledge that God has prepared all of this before me and that countless people have prayed for me in the past couple weeks and will continue to be praying for me throughout my trip. I can't wait to start my newest adventure, dark and early tomorrow morning, and I'm so excited to be able to share it with you!

1 comment:

  1. Usually, if you have the feeling you forgot something, it is because you did. If you don't have that feeling, you probably didn't forget anything. And, no matter what, God HAS prepared it for you!
