Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis.

Have you ever used a word so often that it's lost it's meaning to you...or it doesn't even feel like it's a real word anymore? I've been saying "hola," "gracias," and "sí" with my friends for as long as I can remember and now, when I use them here in Guatemala, I feel like they're fake words. Haha!  I think I've used Spanish in jest so much with my family and my friends that it's sometimes weird to me that it's a real language. Do you ever wonder if in other countries people say "hello," "thank you," or "yes" to each other? I wonder that all the time. I still love it here and I'm still alive and well...I just sometimes feel like I might be speaking a fake language. (Are you satisfied now, Erin? You can lay your head down to sleep tonight knowing that I'm still alive. Jajaja!)

1 comment:

  1. Si. Puedo dormir bien por primera vez en dos semanas. Gracias.
