Monday, October 8, 2012

Wisdom from the Proverbs

For graduation a couple at my church gave me a devotional called Wisdom from the Proverbs and everyday there's a verse from Proverbs and then a story/lesson with each one and a prayer at the end. I like it because it's short, but good. I've had devotionals that can get pretty lengthy and make me feel ADD, so this one's great. Today's was especially good and I'm mostly posting it here so that when I look back on it I can remember.

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go; lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul (22:24-25)
Their boy had always been a good one. Even until high school he had helped around the house, he had been respectful, he had cared for his younger sisters, and he never talked back. He was the perfect boy, and he seemed to be happy. Then, in high school, he had started hanging around with a pair of boys from the center part of town. They were always in trouble or causing it. They cursed, and fought, and they vandalized town property. Everyone knew the kind of trouble they caused. And it was rubbing of on their son. He had started talking back and throwing his weight around, and he was impossible to speak with. Thirteen years of upbringing wasn't enough to protect him from a couple months of bad company. It was hard to see him so bad after he had been so good.
As Christians, the company we keep is extremely important. If we spend our time with people who embrace sin, then we will be more tempted to do likewise than if we dwelt with others who are trying to live good, righteous lives. There is safety in numbers. Fellowship is a way that we can grow strong in our faith. With others to support us, and for us to support, we find additional strength during difficult times. Where two or more are gathered, there the Lord is with them.

The reason I liked this so much is that I've been thinking a lot about when I'm in Guatemala, what if I don't make any friends? And reading this made me realize how amazingly blessed I've been throughout my life to have friends who are such great influences on me, friends who are a constant reminder of the kind of life that God wants from me. So now my prayer for Guatemala has changed from, please let me be able to make some friends early on in my time there, to, give me discernment to find the right friends who will encourage me in Your ways and who I can also encourage in Your ways without feeling like I must dance around who You are. 
So if you're sitting at home reading this and wondering how you can pray for me before I even leave, this would be a good thing to pray for.

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