Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let the 2-week madness begin: Flores & Tikal

My awesome friend Erin Sweeney tends to travel around this time of year. She came to Xela and spent a week with me and then went to Antigua to spend a week with her YWAM friends from last time she was here, Eder and Carolina (and their baby girl Sami!!), while I finished up teaching. While she was in Xela we planned our 2-week adventure so that I could go to all the toursty places in Guatemala (that most people go to even if they're only here for a month...I'd been here for 10.5 months without visiting any of them) and go to a beach in Belize. Here begins our story:

I met Erin in Antigua where we had to kill the afternoon before our night shuttle left for Flores. Somehow we managed to go to the arch in Antigua and Tikal in the span of 20 seconds. Haha! Well, night time came and we hauled our bags to the Refuge Cafe to wait for our shuttle to Guatemala City, which would take us to our bus for Flores. Our bus to Flores was the luxury line and we didn't know why until we sat in the cloud-like seats and the attendants quickly brought us each a blanket, a bottle of water, and a hot dog. Then we basically just slept on the bus the whole night. Erin said we passed through some towns with a lot of speed bumps.....I felt nothing.
We arrived in Flores at 5AM and as we stepped off the bus we were surrounded by people trying to get us to stay at their hotels/hostels. We opted to do a lap around the island (this took about 15 minutes....and apparently everyone thinks 5AM is the perfect time to go running, and everyone there goes running!) just to see what there was to see, then we checked into our hostel. We weren't super tired so we decided to book our trip to Tikal for the same day. We arrived in Flores at 5AM and boarded our shuttle for Tikal at 8, just enough time for me to get some good hammock time and take a shower.
On her iPhone is the photo of her "in TIkal" from Antigua
Upon arrival at Tikal we had to buy our tickets to get in. Ok, so I knew that it was Q.150 to get in, and the prices for these things are always lower for nationals....but it was only Q.25 for nationals!!! I mean, do I try to ask for at least a half-price ticket since I've been here for so long?! Anyways, they don't even give you a free map when you arrive, it's Q.25 extra. Good thing Erin tore out the Tikal map from her Guatemala guide book and put it in her bag before we left the hostel! It was quite warm when we arrived in Flores at 5, by the time we got to Tikal it was hot, hot, hotter! But we walked around a ton and saw almost everything, there was only one area that we didn't have time to go to because it was way on the other side. But it was super cool, especially because it's the tourist low-season right now, so there were times when we looked in all directions from on top of a ruin and didn't see a single person. Basically we had Tikal to ourselves.
A French woman insisted on taking our picture in the most random place!
And she didn't speak English or Spanish...good thing I know like 5 words in French!

After 5 hours walking around Tikal we got back into our air-conditioned shuttle to head back to our hostel in Flores. Then we were really really hungry. We hadn't really eaten anything since dinner the night before...I mean, I ate my hot dog on the bus and we had a little fruit and some granola bars throughout the day, but that's it. So we went in search of a restaurant and we found a great one that was empty of people and the owner was a super nice chatty guy. The best part was, there were some kids playing with a little toy keyboard and they were playing Jingle Bells the whole time we were there!! Eder apparently has been trying to get that song stuck in Erin's head since it's "almost Christmas." Then we just walked around Flores some more. Our hostel also had a tour agency and so we asked about getting to Belize. I knew they had a direct shuttle to Belize City, but Erin and I weren't headed that far north, so I asked about getting off the shuttle at the highway turn-off or something, but the guy working said it's a direct bus and they can't let anyone on or off along the way. So I thought he was going to try to sell us some other travel package, but no! He asked which city we were going to and then he looked some stuff up on his computer and told us exactly where we needed to go for each bus and where to make connections and stuff like that. He was super nice and really helpful!! So, if you're ever in Flores and you need some travel help, hit up Los Amigos Hostel. :)
That night we went to the Santa Elena mall (ok, maybe this is a little confusing: Flores is a really small island connected by bridge to Santa Elena, both cities would be the best place to stay if visiting Tikal because to actually stay at Tikal is super expensive!) to get some ice cream. I guess when it's still hot and humid out you have to eat your ice cream really fast, otherwise you end up with a puddle on your table. Plus there was a huge screen (as you can kinda see behind Erin) covering the World Cup Qualifier matches (USA-Panama & Mexico-Costa Rica).
The next morning we go some breakfast at Cool Beans Cafe and started making our way to Belize. It seems like we did all of the Tikal, Flores, Santa Elena thing in the span of a couple days, but it was just one long day. We figured we'd start the trip off by trying to kill ourselves the first day.

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