1) The terrible roads
2) The exhaust from the buses
I walk a lot here....usually if I'm not going to work, I walk. The only problem with that is that when buses go by they leave behind a HUGE black cloud of exhaust and you're left choking down the street. It's even worse in the terminal where there are a ton of buses coming and going and you're trying to find the one that you're looking for while holding your breath and trying not to get run over. Every time I blow my nose it's black...I don't think snot is supposed to be black.
3) The music on the bus
4) Guatemalans walk ssssooooooo slowly!!
I've been told that I walk quickly, like a European (or something like that)....I blame my long legs. Little steps just don't cut it for me. But I understand that the lifestyle here is not as fast-paced as in the states and people can take their time walking. I'm totally fine with that, but even when I don't have to be anywhere at any specific time I'd like to walk at a normal pace!! Most of the people here walk incredibly slowly, like uncomfortably slowly. Even the young people!! Sometimes it makes me crazy because the sidewalks are only so wide and the cars aren't going to stop for you if you step into the street to pass someone and the people walk in groups and they spread themselves out so that they take up the whole sidewalk. I just don't understand why they walk sssssoooooooo slowly, I can't do it! And it's even worse when I'm actually in a hurry to get somewhere because then I'm trying to walk fast (by my standards...which apparently is the equivalent of running down the street here) and I get even more frustrated with the people meandering down the street.
5) Concrete, concrete, concrete
Xela is like a concrete city. There are lots of parks, but these parks are concrete parks with tiny patches of "grass" and a few trees. I miss the big fields of grass and trees everywhere! My friend took me to this cafe that's part of a seminary here in Xela and it was amazing!! It's a huge green space with trees and grass everywhere and when you breathe it's like breathing in green...not black (like the bus exhaust). Unfortunately we couldn't stay long because I had an appointment, but being there made me realize just how much I miss seeing green everywhere. I don't think I could spend the rest of my life in a concrete city.
6) Sharing a kitchen
7) Not being able to do my own laundry
If you're my friend on facebook, you may have noticed that I've had a few dreams about doing laundry when I get home. Here in Xela I have to take my laundry to a laundry place where they wash, dry, and fold my clothes for me. That's totally fine, the guy who runs the place is super nice and it's really not that expensive to do. The problem is that they're only open from 8AM-6PM and between the gym, my work, and other activities that I do away from home it's really hard to find a day when I have 3 hours between 8 and 6 where I can be in Zone 1 (I live in Zone 1, but work, exercise, and do most of my activities in Zone 3...about 20-30 minutes by bus each way). Either I leave before they open and then get home too late for them to be able to finish before they close, I'm gone the whole time they're open, or I'm only home for 2 hours or an hour and a half during their business hours. I hate having to plan my life around when I can do laundry, it's so much better when you have a machine at home where you can throw it in, go do some stuff, move it to the dryer, and maybe you don't take it out until the next day, but it still gets clean and you don't have to purposely take out a lot of time to get it done.
8) Chsh! Chsh, chsh!!! Hola mamita!!!
9) Not drinking from the tap
10) Claro