Sunday, November 25, 2012

Two birthdays and a farewell...

My family is awesome. This is only the second time we've ever all been together and the first time it's been just us. We all got together today to celebrate Mina and my dad's birthdays and so that everyone could say goodbye to me until March. There was delicious food, way too many laughs (but is there really such a thing?), and more kiwis than I could ever imagine being in my kitchen (thanks again, Susie!). The two most adorable kids in the whole world hung out with me in my room: 

And ever since Lake Chelan there's no way we could all get together and not play Taboo with my dad. Seriously, if you ever get the chance to play with him, he's the most fun person to play this game with ever...that is, unless you're really competitive and you want to win and he's on your team.

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