Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Thousand Gifts

You know that moment when you finish a really, really, really good book that took you forever to get through because you had to put it down every 2 minutes to copy down some mind-blowing thought recorded on its pages? I just had that moment. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp is the best book I've read in a long time. There are multiple pages in my journal filled with quotes from this book that made me stop and think. There have been so many times since I started reading this book that something has made me think of one of those quotes or concepts recorded in my journal. There's so much simple truth in the pages of this book. I don't even really know how to describe it. The overarching theme of the book is having a heart of thanksgiving (eucharisteo). She was challenged by a friend to write down 1000 gifts from God and in the process she began to see how, when you're looking for gifts, they are all around you. 
You know how there are some books that you finish and think, "Wow, that was a really good book," and then you just go on with your life? This is not that kind of book. This is the kind of book that you finish and think, "How did I not know all of this before? And how can I not begin to practice the concepts of this book?" and then your whole way of thinking about things is changed. Forever. 
Read it. It's amazing. Ann's writing style takes a little getting used to, but the things she has to say are well worth it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The fall of man

Just the other day I started reading the book of Genesis and today was chapter 3: The fall of man. I know that traditionally everyone likes to blame Eve (and women in general) for the world being the way it is today, because Eve was too dumb to see through the devil's lies and stay away from that stupid fruit from the tree of  the knowledge of good and evil. And people have argued back that Adam ate the fruit too, it's not like when Eve tried to give it to him he protested. So I've always had this view that it was both of their faults and if Eve hadn't done it that day Adam would've done it a different day...it was bound to happen, basically. Well today I noticed this: "she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate." (v. 6b) For some reason I've always pictured Adam off doing his own thing the whole time the serpent was talking to Eve and he just happened to be walking by when Eve offered it to him, or she called him over to try some or something....but I never pictured him standing right there next to her the whole time.
First, I think it's interesting that the serpent never addressed Adam, only Eve. But more importantly, I think it's weird that Adam never said anything during this whole conversation; he never corrected Eve when she said that God said they'd die if they even touched the tree, he never questioned where the serpent was getting his information, he never said, "hey Eve, maybe we shouldn't because we don't even know who this serpent is, but we do know that God created all of this wonderfulness and He probably said we shouldn't eat from this tree for a reason." He never stood up for his wife when she was being deceived. No, I'm not going on a rant about how men are terrible, because I don't think they are. My point is that I think we often over-romanticize the garden and what people were like before sin entered. I think that we think that if Adam and Eve had never eaten that fruit then everything in the world would be peachy. But even before sin entered the world humans were still humans, they still had free will and I don't think they always chose to do what was good, they just chose to not do what was wrong. I think there's a big difference between doing no harm and doing good.
I guess I was just struck by the fact that I also fall into this trap of wondering what life would've been like if they'd never eaten that fruit, if no one had ever eaten the fruit. I find myself thinking that everything would've been peachy, but now I'm thinking that may not be true. People are still people. Maybe that sounds depressing and cynical to you, but I actually find comfort in that. I never have to wonder what could have been because I think we would've ended up in the same place we are today with or without the fruit, which makes the idea of God's love even crazier to me. I mean, I know that He knew everything before He even made us, but that's really hard for me to wrap my head around so I still find myself sometimes thinking that maybe when He created us He had a twinge of hope that we'd always obey Him. But no, He always always always knew that we'd screw up and that He'd have to give up His Son for us and that we'd continue to turn our backs on Him even after all that. It makes me think about this song that stops me in my tracks every time I hear it: "In wonder and fear You knit me together. You should've been scared when You breathed into me. I have a feeling You knew what I'd say and what I'd do, but Your love said do it anyway." How crazy is that?! We've never been perfect, even when we thought we were, but because God's love is so unfathomably huge He still made us.
I think the dumbest part about all of this is that even though I realize how huge God's love is for me, I'm still going to screw up and do stuff that He's told me not to do. I'm still going to do things that show that I don't really rely on His love to sustain me. I'm reading this book called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp (super good book, but I can't read a lot of it at a time because every other paragraph had some sentence that punches me in the face) and there are these two parts that I think of a lot when I think about how I live my life, the things that I think about, and how they reflect what I believe about God.

"All fear is but the notion that God's love ends.
Did you think I end, that My bread warehouses are limited,
that I will not be enough? But I am infinite, child. What can end in Me?
Can life end in Me? Can happiness? Or peace? Or anything you need?
Doesn't your Father always give you what you need? 
I am the Bread of Life and My bread for you will never end.
Fear thinks God is finite and fear believes that there is not going to be enough
and hasn't counting one thousand gifts, endlessly counting gifts,
exposed the lie at the heart of all fear? In Me, blessings never end
because My love for you never ends. If My goodnesses toward you end, 
I will cease to exist, child. As long as there is God in heaven, 
there is grave on earth and I am the spilling God of the uncontainable,

"If authentic, saving belief is the act of trusting, 
then to choose stress is an act of disbelief...atheism. 
Anything less than gratitude and trust is practical atheism."

I have a lot to work on in my life. But I find comfort in the fact that God is showing me new things because it means that I'm hearing from Him, it means that I'm still listening for His voice...or maybe He's talking louder. Either way, I know that God is real and that He loves me more than anyone else could, and while I don't always live in a way that shows I believe that, He keeps reminding me.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Self-defense class

Today was my self-defense class and it was super legit! I was a bit skeptical before it all started; first, when you register they have you choose a name that you'll go by during the seminar (something or someone you aspire to) and I thought that was kinda weird because it just seemed irrelevant. Then, I never heard anything back from them after I sent all my stuff in, but they cashed my check, so I was really hoping I didn't just get scammed out of $75. And finally, it's just a one-day program and I was really unsure as to whether or not I could learn everything I needed to know in one day. Wow!
I can't really say a whole lot about the program details because I signed a confidentiality thing so that it doesn't get ruined for other people who want to do it, but it was so great! I learned so much and now I really feel like if anything happens to me in Guatemala I'll know what to do. Basically, all I wanna say about it is that it was amazing and even though it seemed sketchy at first, it was 100% worth it! If you're in the Tacoma area and you want to spend a day learning how to respond to dangerous situations I totes recommend the Courage Quest class at SFPPS (I think it's only for ages 18+, but you don't have to be in a specific physical shape to totally rock it).

Monday, October 8, 2012

Wisdom from the Proverbs

For graduation a couple at my church gave me a devotional called Wisdom from the Proverbs and everyday there's a verse from Proverbs and then a story/lesson with each one and a prayer at the end. I like it because it's short, but good. I've had devotionals that can get pretty lengthy and make me feel ADD, so this one's great. Today's was especially good and I'm mostly posting it here so that when I look back on it I can remember.

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go; lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul (22:24-25)
Their boy had always been a good one. Even until high school he had helped around the house, he had been respectful, he had cared for his younger sisters, and he never talked back. He was the perfect boy, and he seemed to be happy. Then, in high school, he had started hanging around with a pair of boys from the center part of town. They were always in trouble or causing it. They cursed, and fought, and they vandalized town property. Everyone knew the kind of trouble they caused. And it was rubbing of on their son. He had started talking back and throwing his weight around, and he was impossible to speak with. Thirteen years of upbringing wasn't enough to protect him from a couple months of bad company. It was hard to see him so bad after he had been so good.
As Christians, the company we keep is extremely important. If we spend our time with people who embrace sin, then we will be more tempted to do likewise than if we dwelt with others who are trying to live good, righteous lives. There is safety in numbers. Fellowship is a way that we can grow strong in our faith. With others to support us, and for us to support, we find additional strength during difficult times. Where two or more are gathered, there the Lord is with them.

The reason I liked this so much is that I've been thinking a lot about when I'm in Guatemala, what if I don't make any friends? And reading this made me realize how amazingly blessed I've been throughout my life to have friends who are such great influences on me, friends who are a constant reminder of the kind of life that God wants from me. So now my prayer for Guatemala has changed from, please let me be able to make some friends early on in my time there, to, give me discernment to find the right friends who will encourage me in Your ways and who I can also encourage in Your ways without feeling like I must dance around who You are. 
So if you're sitting at home reading this and wondering how you can pray for me before I even leave, this would be a good thing to pray for.