Sunday, July 21, 2013

Places I need to visit in Guatemala before heading home

I know, I know, Guatemala is a small country. It's about 60% of the size of Washington state. But somehow in my 7 months here I still haven't managed to visit all the the "must-see" places. So here's my list of places to go in the next 3 months.....if I don't make it to all of these places I guess I'll just have to come back one day. Oh darn! Hahaha! But first, I already wrote this post and I made it totally awesome and described the places but for some reason it neither saved nor posted and it all got now my motivation to make this awesome is about 2/10. If you think these places look awesome you can google them to see what they're all about.

 1. Antigua, Guatemala
 2. Tak'alik      Ab'aj

 3. Izabal 
  & Rio    Dulce

 4. Semuc Champey

 5. Tikal

6. Tilapa Beach